Can You Mix Olive Oil and Butter?

Can You Mix Olive Oil and Butter?

Olive oil and butter – two pantry staples that have graced our tables for centuries. Though they seem quite different, these two ingredients have more in common than you may think. Both olive oil and butter are fats, and both are extracted from natural sources. But can they be used together? Mixing these two compelling ingredients may seem unorthodox, but the combination can yield surprisingly delightful results. With its high smoke point and bold flavor, olive oil makes an intriguing partner for the rich, velvety goodness of butter. This introduction explores the intriguing idea of blending these iconic fats to create new culinary potential. Though unconventional, their union may lead us to new gastronomic discoveries.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Oils and Fats

Fats and oils are essential to a healthy diet, but navigating the world of fats can be confusing. Not all fats are created equal when it comes to their effects on health. Some fats are downright nasty, while others are exceptionally good. Let’s break down the good, the bad, and the ugly truth about dietary fats and oils.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Oils and Fats

First, the good fats. Unsaturated fats, predominantly found in plant-based oils, are actively beneficial for health. Unsaturated fats are classified as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated based on their chemical structure. Foods rich in unsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish have well-documented health perks.

Monounsaturated fats found abundantly in olive oil, can lower LDL “bad” cholesterol when used instead of saturated fats. In numerous studies, the Mediterranean diet, centered around olive oil and other foods rich in monounsaturated fats, has been linked to better heart health and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Polyunsaturated fats also offer benefits: they provide essential fatty acids our bodies cannot make themselves. These include anti-inflammatory omega-3s found in fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, and canola oil, as well as omega-6s in seeds and vegetable oils.

However, the key is moderation – even beneficial unsaturated fats are high in calories, so portions should be controlled. But overall, loading up on unsaturated fats from plants and fish promotes heart health.

Now, the bad fats – namely, artificial trans fats. Trans fats are created through hydrogenation, which transforms healthy vegetable oils into solid, partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fats raise levels of harmful LDL cholesterol, lower “good” HDL cholesterol, and contribute to systemic inflammation. The result? A major increase in the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

After years of advocacy against artificial trans fats, the FDA enacted a ban on partially hydrogenated oils – the primary source of trans fats in processed foods – which went into effect in 2018. Still, trace amounts of trans fats can lurk in highly processed food products, so vigilance is needed. The healthiest approach is to avoid trans fats whenever possible completely.

Alright, now for the ugly truth – not all saturated fats are created equal! Saturated fat has long been vilified for raising LDL cholesterol and heart disease risk. Dietary guidelines still recommend limiting saturated fat intake from sources like butter, cheese, red meat, and processed meats.

However, emerging research indicates that the link between saturated fats and heart disease is more nuanced. Diets high in processed and fried foods do appear to increase heart disease risk. But other foods high in saturated fat, like dairy and grass-fed meat, appear neutral or even beneficial to cholesterol profiles.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Oils and Fats

The food source and quality of saturated fat make a big difference. Full-fat dairy may protect heart health rather than harm it, as the fats exist within a nutrient-dense food. And grass-fed beef tends to have a better fatty acid profile than factory-farmed meat. On the flip side, saturated fats in processed deli meats, pizza, fried foods, and low-quality meat have stronger ties to heart disease.

So – saturated fats are not created equal. Butter and grass-fed beef in moderation, as part of an overall healthy diet, are likely not the demons they’ve been made out to be. Just don’t go wild on fried foods and processed meats, which fall into the “bad” category.

In this section, we will explore the nuances of dietary fats and oils in greater detail. We’ll discuss identifying and incorporating the good fats from heart-healthy, whole food sources. You’ll learn how to spot and avoid the worst offenders like trans and low-quality saturated fats. And we’ll delve into the emerging science of saturated fat to understand which foods should be limited versus those that may be fine in moderation. Arm yourself with the knowledge to feel confident navigating the mixed messaging around fats. You’ll gain insight to make simple tweaks that get your fat intake on the right track for better health.

Mixing Olive Oil and Butter

Olive oil and butter are beloved ingredients that have graced kitchens for millennia. Olive oil is a keystone of the Mediterranean diet, valued for its health benefits and bold flavor. Butter’s appeal lies in its rich, indulgent taste and velvety texture. At first glance, these two fats seem quite different. But can olive oil and butter be used together in cooking and baking? Blending these two compelling ingredients may seem unorthodox, but some intriguing benefits can come from mixing olive oil and butter.

Let’s first examine olive oil and butter individually to understand their distinct properties and roles. Extra virgin olive oil is prized for its fruitiness, versatility, and high smoke point. Made by simply pressing olives, quality extra virgin olive oil delivers a pungent aroma and peppery flavor that shines across cooking applications, from dressings to sautéing and roasting. The predominately monounsaturated fat composition also makes olive oil a nutrition all-star that can help lower LDL cholesterol when used instead of saturated fats.

Butter’s appeal comes from its rich dairy flavor and creamy texture. Butter consists of butterfat, milk proteins, and water churned from cream. It provides a full, creamy mouthfeel. When produced from grass-fed cows, butter contains beneficial nutrients like vitamins A, E, K2, and CLA. However, with a lower smoke point and higher saturated fat content, butter is best enjoyed in moderation.

Olive oil and butter have complementary strengths that make them well-suited for combined use. Where olive oil excels, butter’s weaknesses are minimized, and vice versa. Olive oil’s clean flavor, moisture, and high smoke point help it shine during medium or high-heat cooking. Its bold flavor holds up to other ingredients and cooking methods. Butter’s low smoke point makes it ill-suited for sautéing, but it lends moisture, richness, and full dairy flavor better than olive oil. Together, they make an intriguing kitchen team.

Mixing Olive Oil and Butter

In sautéing, mixing a small amount of butter into olive oil offers some key advantages. When cooking foods like vegetables, eggs, chicken, or fish, the butter introduces tenderness and better absorption of flavors from other ingredients. The olive oil provides its signature fruity taste and healthful monounsaturated fats. Using a higher proportion of olive oil to butter, about 3:1 or 4:1, allows cooks to maximize benefits from olive oil while keeping total saturated fat lower.

A similar blended approach shines for roasted vegetables, too. Tossing vegetables with a coating of mostly olive oil and a pat of butter gives a caramelized exterior from the olive oil and penetrates the interior with butter’s richness.

For baking, substituting a share of butter for olive oil can also have advantages. Olive oil contributes moisture and richness, producing tender texture and delicate crumbs in cookies, cakes, and breads. Replacing up to half the butter with olive oil is often successful. Olive oil’s liquid form also enables it to distribute fat evenly throughout batters. Butter still provides its classic dairy flavor that olive oil cannot duplicate. Together, they create baked goods with improved texture and heightened taste.

In dressings and sauces, olive oil blended with a pat of butter makes a luscious emulsion with a balanced flavor. The butter mellows out the grassy notes from extra virgin olive oil while the olive oil’s fruitiness remains. Adding just 5-15% butter to olive oil can craft a creamy, full-bodied sauce.

The combination even shines in something as simple as scrambled eggs. Whisking in a teaspoon or two of olive oil along with butter yields fluffier curds with a rich texture. The olive oil also lends subtle fruitiness to balance the eggy flavor.

Mixing Olive Oil and Butter

For high-heat cooking, the butter burns easily, so it’s important to add it later in the process. Start with cold olive oil, let it heat up, then add butter towards the end of cooking. For baking, reduce any other liquids in the recipe to adjust for olive oil’s added moisture and fat.

While the idea of blending olive oil and butter may seem unlikely at first, this fusion can unlock new potential. Some guidelines help ensure success:

  1. Use high-quality ingredients – extra virgin olive oil and unsalted butter work best.
  2. Keep olive oil as the predominant fat by using ratios like 3:1 or 4:1 olive oil to butter.
  3. Add olive oil to cold cooking mediums, heat first, then add butter at the end to prevent burning.
  4. For baking, reduce other liquids to compensate for olive oil’s moisture.
  5. Start with small substitutions, like 1/4 cup olive oil for 1/4 cup butter, until you get the hang of it.

With some creative experimentation, cooking and baking with olive oil and butter can open up new depths of flavor and texture. Olive oil excels where butter falls short, while butter lends its indulgent richness. Together, they balance nutrition with decadence. Mixing these two ubiquitous fats sheds new light on their respective strengths and weaknesses. So embrace these oils and fats not as rivals but as collaborators that can harmonize beautifully. A little olive oil in butter may lend that creative edge you’ve sought for cooking and baking.

Mixing Olive Oil and Butter


Can I use olive oil and butter together when cooking?

Yes, you can absolutely mix olive oil and butter together for cooking. Combining the two creates a blend that allows you to capitalize on the best attributes of each fat. Olive oil provides:

  • Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
  • A high smoke point for high-heat cooking.
  • A delicious fruity flavor.

Butter lends richness, velvety texture, and full dairy taste. Use a ratio of about 3:1 or 4:1 olive oil to butter. The olive oil allows you to cut back on saturated fat from butter while benefiting from butter’s flavor. Mix them for sautéing veggies, eggs, chicken and more.

What ratio of olive oil to butter should I use when sautéing or baking?

When combining olive oil and butter, it’s best to use more olive oil than butter. For sautéing, a ratio of around 3:1 or 4:1 olive oil to butter works well. This allows the olive oil’s high smoke point to shine while the butter adds a touch of richness. For baking, substitute olive oil for up to half the butter in a recipe. Replacing up to 50% of butter with olive oil introduces moisture, tenderness, and subtle fruitiness while allowing butter’s flavor to shine. Always start with less substitution and increase the amount until you achieve the texture and taste you want.

What are the benefits of mixing olive oil and butter?

Using olive oil and butter together merges the best of both worlds. Olive oil contributes heart-healthy fats, antioxidant benefits, and good flavor, while butter provides moisture, richness, and indulgence. Combining them allows olive oil’s clean taste and high smoke point to excel in cooking applications like sautéing and roasting. Butter lends tenderness, full flavor, and creamy texture. Baking with a blend yields moist, tender treats with nuanced taste. Dressings and sauces gain a luscious silkiness and balanced flavor. For the best nutrition and indulgence, use more olive oil than butter.

Does using olive oil with butter reduce the overall calories versus just butter?

Yes, using a blend of olive oil and butter will be lower in calories than just butter since olive oil has about 25% fewer calories per teaspoon compared to butter. Replacing just one tablespoon of butter with one tablespoon of olive oil saves you about 40 calories. Additionally, olive oil has much less saturated fat than butter. Hence, a combination substitutes some of the butter’s saturated fat for the more heart-healthy monounsaturated fats predominant in olive oil. Just be mindful of portion size, as even healthy fats are high in calories.

Is it okay to blend olive oil with butter when making salad dressings or sauces?

Definitely! Adding just a small amount of butter to olive oil for dressings and sauces makes a delicious emulsion. Try using about four parts olive oil to 1 part melted butter. The butter nicely rounds out and balances the strong flavor of extra virgin olive oil. This blended dressing will coat greens evenly and lend a rich, silky texture. The milk proteins in the butter also help bind the ingredients. For warm sauces, melt the butter into heated olive oil while whisking at the end.

How does using olive oil and butter together change the texture and flavor of baked goods?

In baked goods, olive oil contributes tenderness and moisture for a fine, delicate crumb while providing a subtle fruity undertone. Butter still supplies its dairy richness. Together, they create a more complex flavor. Cookies, cakes, and muffins stay moist and chewy, while breads get excellent lift and a lighter interior texture. Start by swapping just 1/4 of the butter for olive oil until you get used to the change in texture and flavor. The olive oil also allows for an even distribution of fat throughout the batters.

What temperature should I heat olive oil to before adding butter to prevent burning?

Butter has a low smoke point, so when cooking with olive oil and butter, it’s important to heat the olive oil first—heat olive oil over medium heat until shimmering or around 325-350°F. Olive oil’s high smoke point allows it to get quite hot before the butter is added. Once the olive oil is shimmering, you can stir in the butter to melt and incorporate without burning it. Adding butter to already-hot olive oil helps prevent a burnt flavor.

Related Video: Olive Oil Butter Blend


While unconventional, cooking and baking with a blend of olive oil and butter can unlock new culinary potential. Olive oil’s high smoke point and bold flavor balances butter’s rich indulgence. Used in proper ratios, their union yields better texture and absorption of flavors. Mixing these two beloved fats sheds new light on their respective strengths and weaknesses. With some creative experimentation, a touch of olive oil can lend that intriguing edge to amplify both savory dishes and sweet treats. So, don’t be afraid to explore the symbiotic relationship between olive oil and butter. Blending these two iconic fats may lead you to new gastronomic discoveries.

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