Can You Mix Bacon Grease and Vegetable Oil?

Can You Mix Bacon Grease and Vegetable Oil?

The age old debate of whether or not you can mix bacon grease and vegetable oil is one that has been around for years. Some people swear by it, while others think it’s a terrible idea. So, what’s the verdict? Can you mix bacon grease and vegetable oil? The answer is yes, you can mix bacon grease and vegetable oil. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Benefits of Mixing Bacon Grease and Vegetable Oil

Bacon grease is a great source of monounsaturated fats, which are known to help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. It also has a high smoke point, meaning it doesn’t break down or produce harmful fumes when heated, making it a healthy cooking oil choice. Vegetable oil is a good source of polyunsaturated fats, which help protect the heart by lowering bad cholesterol levels and increasing good cholesterol levels. When mixed together, bacon grease and vegetable oil provide a balanced mix of healthy fats that are beneficial for the heart and can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of Mixing Bacon Grease and Vegetable Oil

Drawbacks of Mixing Bacon Grease and Vegetable Oil

When you cook bacon, the rendered fat is perfect for mixing with vegetable oil to create a crispy coating for foods like chicken or fish. However, there are some drawbacks to this mixture. First, the bacon fat can make foods very greasy. Second, it can be difficult to get the same level of crispiness with this mixture that you can achieve by frying food in pure vegetable oil. Finally, the taste of bacon can be overpowering in certain dishes.

How to Use Leftover Bacon Grease?

Cooking with leftover bacon grease is a great way to add flavor to your food. You can use it to fry eggs, cook vegetables, or even make gravy. Here are a few tips on how to use leftover bacon grease:

  1. If the bacon grease is cold, heat it up in a pan before using it. This will help prevent sticking and make frying easier.
  2. Add the bacon grease to a hot pan and wait for it to start sizzling before adding your food.
  3. Don’t add too much bacon grease at once – you don’t want your food to be greasy. A little goes a long way.
  4. Use caution when frying with bacon grease – it can be hot and dangerous! Be sure to have a lid handy in case of spills.


Can I add vegetable oil to bacon grease?

Yes, you can add vegetable oil to bacon grease. In fact, many people do this in order to make their bacon grease stretch a little further. Just be sure to mix the oils together well before using.

Can you mix oils to fry?

Yes, you can mix oils to fry. However, you should use a light oil, like canola or vegetable oil, and a heavy oil, like olive oil. The light oil will help to prevent the food from sticking to the pan, while the heavy oil will add flavor.

What can I add bacon grease to?

You can add bacon grease to just about anything – from eggs to vegetables to popcorn. It’s a great way to add flavor and richness, and it’s also a healthy fat. Just make sure you’re using quality bacon grease, since it will be the primary flavor in whatever you cook.

Can I deep fry in bacon grease?

Yes, you can deep fry in bacon grease. The bacon grease will add flavor and crispiness to your food. Just be careful not to overheat the bacon grease, as it can cause a fire.

Can you mix bacon grease and butter?

Yes, you can mix bacon grease and butter. The two fats have different properties, so they will not be interchangeable in all recipes, but they will work well together in some cases. Bacon grease is a saturated fat, while butter is a monounsaturated fat. Saturated fats are more stable at high temperatures than monounsaturated fats, so they are better for frying.

Is bacon grease healthier than butter?

There is no definitive answer to this question as both bacon grease and butter are high in saturated fat. However, some people believe that bacon grease has a healthier fatty acid profile than butter, making it a healthier choice.

Is bacon fat healthier than oil?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that bacon fat is healthier than oil because it is a “natural” fat. However, bacon fat is high in saturated fat, which can increase your risk of heart disease.

Should I save bacon grease?

Yes, you should save bacon grease! It’s a great source of fat for cooking and has a delicious flavor. You can store it in the fridge or freezer.

Is it OK to cook eggs in bacon grease?

Yes, it is OK to cook eggs in bacon grease. The bacon grease will add flavor and richness to the eggs.

How many times can you reuse bacon grease?

Bacon grease can be reused multiple times, but it’s important to note that the flavor and quality of the grease will change each time it’s reused.

Can you put hot bacon grease in a glass jar?

Yes, you can put hot bacon grease in a glass jar. However, you should be careful not to overfill the jar and make sure that the grease is cooled before putting the lid on.

Can you reuse oil after frying bacon?

Yes, you can reuse the oil after frying bacon. However, it’s important to note that the oil will be saturated with bacon grease and will have a strong flavor. You may want to consider using a different type of oil for your next batch of fried foods.


In conclusion, it is safe to say that you can mix bacon grease and vegetable oil. While there are some risks associated with doing so, they are minor and can be easily avoided. By following a few simple guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of this combination without any of the drawbacks. So why not give it a try?

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One Comment

  1. I was in the kitchen, looking for a way to make my food more flavorful. I had some bacon grease and vegetable oil, so I decided to mix them together. The result was amazing! My food was more delicious than ever before.

    The mix of bacon grease and vegetable oil is the perfect way to add flavor to your food. I highly recommend it!

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